Christmas Cleaning Top 3 Essentials​

Our favorite holiday is back and so is its usual bustle.

Everyone has something going on, whether it’s a party to plan, an office deadline to meet, or even a vacation to think about. There’s just so much to do!

We’re so occupied that we barely take out time to clean up after a long and eventful year. Even when we consider cleaning up, the task seems so heavy that we get tired just thinking about it.

And so close to Christmas too.

Well, there’s no need to worry. You can get your house in tip-top shape for the holidays and still have time for your Christmas plans.


Here are the Top 3 Essentials that are guaranteed to keep your house straightened up all Christmas long.


1. Start Early

If you’re not the kind to spontaneously shine the house inside-out, then you probably have a few spots that desperately need it this season. Even if you are, it wouldn’t hurt to do it again before the year runs out.

The tasks might seem overwhelming but the work would be considerably more bearable if you plan out how you’ll tackle it.
Make a list of all the things you have to do, assign days to get them done, then actually do them.

The best way to do this is to start early, way before the Christmas season really kicks in. I’d even advise that start this a week to Christmas just to make sure you get everywhere.

This way you’ll be done in no time and have a clear schedule to focus on other festive activities.

2. Make Sure You Give Attention To Everything

Starting early gives you more time to clean, so you better do it right.

Most likely, when we carry out our everyday cleaning we focus on the parts that we see all the time. We mean, as long as the surfaces are clean then the whole house is, right? Wrong. The whole purpose of starting on time was to make sure that every single spot is touched and no stone (or cushion) is left unturned.

Everywhere has to get a little cleaning—inside the cupboards, beneath the beds, behind the stove. Basically give attention to the places that you normally wouldn’t.
The goal is to cross over to the new year as clean as possible.

3. Dust Off Regularly

It’s not enough to thoroughly clean just once; you have to maintain that cleanliness.
Chances are before the big day some dust might settle on things in the house. It’s wishful thinking to believe that everything is going to stay that perfect.

We are not saying that you should repeat the cleaning process but a little dusting here and there won’t hurt.

This is where that everyday cleaning routine comes in. Though it won’t be as meticulous, the house still needs the occasional shine.
It doesn’t have to be much actually. You could just clean up as you go.

Make an effort to put things back immediately after use and wipe down the tables and counters after meals. Sweep the house after gatherings and mop up spills immediately you spot them. Keep the bathrooms tidy and never leave the kitchen in a mess.

These tasks, after the big clean-up, aren’t so hard to do and are guaranteed to keep your home in the best shape until the new year.

There you have it, the Christmas cleaning essentials.

Following these tips, you’ll be sure to sparkle up your home this Christmas and have enough time to enjoy your holiday to the fullest.

Go forth and have a wonderful Christmas. We understand how busy and overwhelming the holiday season can get, and that’s why we are here to take the cleaning stress away and sort out your cleaning needs. We are currently offering a 20% discount on all cleaning service this holiday season.

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